I enjoyed the Pilsner Urquell that I had a few weeks ago... so I figured Id try a few more pilsners. I had some friends over and we tasted 2 different Pilsners that I got from Trader Joes recently. One is a german style from Joesephs Brau(TJs german label) and another is from BrouCzezh which is imported from the Cezech republic.
Joseph's Brau Hopfest German style Pilsner
smell: somewhat malty
color blond
taste: sharp bite at first followed by bitter flavor, ending with a mild but pleasant aftertaste
overall: Ok Like most TJs beers this falls solidly into the OK section, not great, not bad. Definitly a bit bitter then most Pilsners, but then again its called Hopfest
BrouCzech Pilsner
color amber-blond
smell: slightly sweet
taste: there is a bite at first but it is fairly weak. The middle taste is good, tastes a lot darker then your average pilsner, aftertaste is slightly hoppy.
overall: Good BrouCzech is a better beer then the TJs brand, its flavor is unique and interesting