Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Aventius wheat doppelbock

I picked up this about 4 weeks ago, but have been recovering from Mono for the past 3 weeks so I havent got a chance to drink it. Im feeling better now, and with Barack Obama's win last night.... and the completion of the last 18 months of my work completed today.. it seemed like a good time to break it out. I also had a Weihenstephaner vitus(weisenbock) which is one of hte best beers in the world.. but I split it with a friend last night during an election party... I'll have to get another one to blog about.

first impressions: dark and opaque, smells a little sweet.

taste: slight licorice, but not over powering, hints of wheat, very smooth, and sweet aftertaste, but its not bad.

overall: Great Im impressed, I am not usually a fan of doppelbocks, and I found the Aventius eis bock good, but too strong. This on the other hand Id say is just right. The traditional licorice flavor of a doppelbock is not to strong here. Its quite smooth and goes down easy. Its definitly thicker, but not syrapy. The mix of licorice and wheat flavors go quite well together

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