Saturday, January 24, 2009

Flying Dog Snake Dog IPA

Temperature from the top of Jay Peak -15 degrees before windchill(and probably -30-35 with) its damn cold today. my goggles were fogging/freezing up so I kept em off part of the time so s I could see... then my eyes started getting cold. Anyway first beer after skiing is Flying dog IPA.

First Impressions: deep amber colored, smells hoppy, especially of cascades.

Taste: Interesting. The hoppiest part is in the middle instead of at the beginning. There is a bite at first but it the bitterness develops then quickly fades into a clean finish.

Overall: good I'm impressed. This isn't as good as stone or SNCA but its a solid IPA for sure better then harpoon. Its also different then most IPAs which is nice

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