Sunday, March 1, 2009

Leinenkugels Sunset Wheat

My father brought this beer to the cabin over the weekend where I went skiing with my parents and cousin Jenny. It rained on the drive up to the cabin.. so skiing the next day was pretty icy. The day itself was amazingly beautiful though

First Impressions: Nice opaque orange color. Smells like orange and a little spice

Taste: bit of an American weisse taste, with a fair amount of orange in there.. kinda weird and fruity tasting. Significant orange aftertaste.

Overall: ok Nothing special here, but nothing bad either. Its not a bad American weisse, though it definitely doesn't stand out either. It is incredibly drinkable though... I could see it being decent on a warm summer day(unlike the snowy 10 degree day we have now) Is is significantly better then the last Leinie I had, which I think must have been their honey weisse(it was incredibly sweet)

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