Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sam Adams Long Shot 2007 Weizenbock

Sam Adams Long Shot 2007 Weizenbock by Rodney Kibzey

This brew comes from a contest that Sam Adams held in 2007 for craft brewers, They took the 2 beers which won and produced them. Seeing as I like the idea of craft brewing, I had to try. This beer came in a 6 pack, 3 of the weizenbock, and 3 grape pale ales(see below for details)

I was excited for this beer after trying a Weihenstephaner Vitus a few weeks ago out in a Whole Foods in Las Vegas

ABV: 7.2%

Smell: has a hint of banana on the nose

First Impressions: This beer is quite dark for a weizenbock, its quite cloudy, looks almost like a dunkelweizen.

Taste: slight bite at first, but not overpowering. has a decent middle taste, but has an unpleasant strong aftertaste

Overall impression: Bad

The bad aftertaste unfortunately does this beer in. I like the idea of Sam hosting a home brew contest and then making the beers of the winners, however I cant imagine that a better beer then this didn't win(don't get me started on the other beer that came in this six pack, a grape pale ale... lets just say I'm glad that 2 other poor souls finished them on the party on Saturday

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