Sunday, April 27, 2008

Stone Mill Organic Pale Ale

Stone Mill Pale Ale is brewed by Green Valley Brewing, which at first looked like a nice Micro Brewery from NH. It turns out though they are the Organic Brewery of Anheuser-Busch. Which as it turns out, doesn't necessarily mean its a bad beer

Smell: classic beer smell, nothing interesting

Initial impressions: translucent light amber color, poors with little head

Taste: this beer hits you at first with a crisp hoppy bite, more then I would expect for an american pale ale. the middle taste and aftertaste are decent but are decidedly overshadowed by the hoppy start

Overall impressions: good

This beer has a bit more of a bite then most Pale Ales, one might even consider this in the bottom range of IPAs. That doesn't mean its a bad beer though. Over all it is surprisingly refreshing and enjoyable. The only negative thing about this beer is that Green Valley Brewing Company is owned by Anheuser-Busch.

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